Thursday, February 28, 2008

jan.18, 2007

Yesterday, i fell inlove once more.

I saw him yesterday.

How I wanted to expunge him in my thoughts and how I’m really making an effort to do so.

But there he was, yesterday, saying his HI’s to me and beckoning his hands as if nothing was wrong, as if nothing tainted, as if everything in the universe were still fine between us, as if I could or he could still turn back time.

But honestly, although how helpless I am in trying to somehow and somewhat erase his “everything” in my damn anatomy; one look on him, a glimpse of him, and the very moment I am able to talk to him again, made those efforts and hardships of unwanting him, vanish!

I still have this something that I can’t comprehend why, each time I’m with him or each time I see him.

Yesterday, I fell in love once more.

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